† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61275137 and 61571186) and the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province, China (Grant No. 2018JJ2061).
The soliton spectral tunneling (SST) effect, as a soliton spectral switching phenomenon, enables a soliton to tunnel through a spectrally limited regime of normal dispersion in the fiber with multiple zero dispersion wavelengths (ZDWs). Since initial chirp can affect the behavior of pulse evolution, we numerically study the influence of chirp on the SST in the process of supercontinuum (SC) occurring in a photonic crystal fiber (PCF) with three ZDWs. The linear chirp is imposed by a phase modulation of input pulse while maintaining a constant pulse duration. Interestingly, it is found that the spectral range and flatness can be flexibly tuned by adjusting the initial chirp value. More specifically, positive chirp facilitates soliton self-frequency shifting (SSFS), making the soliton quickly transfer from one anomalous dispersion regime to another accompanied by the generation of dispersive waves (DWs). In this case, the SST effect further expands the spectral range by enhancing both the red-shift of the fundamental soliton and the blue-shift of DWs, thus generating a broader SC. However, negative chirp suppresses the SST effect, resulting in a smoother SC at the expense of bandwidth. Therefore, the findings in this work provide interesting results relating to the influence of initial chirp on the SST to generate a considerably smoother and broader SC, which is extremely useful in many applications, such as wavelength conversion and SC generation.
Optical solitons have been a hot topic of research since they are regarded as good information carriers for long-distance communication and all-optical ultrafast switching devices.[1] The formation of optical solitons results from the delicate balance between dispersive broadening and nonlinear self-compression.[1–3] Generally speaking, optical solitons can only exist in the anomalous group velocity dispersion (GVD) regime.[3,4] However, soliton self-frequency shifting (SSFS) gives rise to the change because of the existence of multiple zero dispersion wavelengths (ZDWs) in the fiber. In addition, there have been many studies demonstrating that the SSFS enables a soliton to tunnel through a spectrally limited normal GVD regime, which is referred to as soliton spectral tunneling (SST).[5–7]
The SST effect happens when Raman-induced SSFS continuously transfers soliton energy from one anomalous dispersion regime to another as the soliton propagates through the fiber.[8,9] More fundamentally, the SST effect requires a normal GVD regime to act as a potential barrier sandwiched between two anomalous ones. Such characteristics are difficult to achieve in conventional fibers, but can be easily realized in photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) because their mode dispersion relates to their geometric features.[3,5,10] By adjusting the geometry of the PCF, the dispersion profile with multiple ZDWs can be obtained in practice.[11] As is well known, dispersive waves (DWs) as soliton-induced optical Cherenkov radiation are resonant waves meeting the phase matching (PM) condition with the launched soliton.[12–14] Simultaneously, DWs play a crucial role in generating octaves-panning supercontinuum (SC) in fiber structures since they dominate the blue-shifted edge of the spectrum while Raman-induced SSFS results in the red-shifted edge. Such a mechanism has been theoretically and experimentally demonstrated in the PCF with two ZDWs.[15,16] However, when soliton-induced DWs are obtained in one of the anomalous dispersion regimes in the PCF with multiple ZDWs, the SST effect can transform the DWs into soliton waves. Therefore, the SST effect is also considered as a sort of drive for the generation of soliton-induced DWs since the transferred soliton is phase-matched to the launched soliton.[17,18] What is more, the group-velocity matching (GVM) between the launched soliton and the transferred soliton is another necessary condition for the emergence of the SST effect.[9,19] Previous papers mainly focused on the SST effect as a spectral switching phenomenon occurring in the fiber with different dispersion profiles.[17,19–21] For example, Poletti et al. numerically demonstrated the SST effect in an index-guiding holey fiber with a tunable GVD barrier over a wide wavelength span.[19] In another work, Wang et al. showed a cascaded SST effect in segmented fibers with engineered dispersion, which can lead the soliton pulse to transfer over a wide wavelength span.[20] There have been many studies indicating that initial chirp can exert an influence on both fundamental solitons and DWs in SC generation.[21–25] For example, Lei et al. showed how to conveniently and efficiently manipulate the DW generation by controlling the prechirp of the input pulse.[14] In addition, Cheng et al. proved that there exists an optimal positive chirp maximizing the spectral bandwidth.[26] However, there are few studies focusing on the influence of initial chirp on the SST process in the fiber. In the present work, we study the influence of initial chirp on the SST in the process of SC occurring in a PCF with three ZDWs. Because the interaction between DWs and Raman solitons plays a key role in the SST effect, it is meaningful to investigate how to manipulate the SC when considering the effect of chirp on the SST.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section
Propagation of ultrashort pulses in a PCF with three ZDWs can be described by the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation (GNLSE), which includes dispersion effects and nonlinear effects such as self-phase modulation (SPM), self-steepening, and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS). The GNLSE can be expressed as[3]
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The investigation on the dependence of SC characteristics on input chirp has been carried out for two different cases, both considering anomalous GVD regime pumping under the typical femtosecond pumping conditions. In the first case, the linear chirp is obtained by imposing a quadratic spectral phase on the input pulse while maintaining a constant pulse bandwidth. In this case, the pulse energy remains fixed, but increased chirp is associated with an increased pulse duration and reduced peak power.[28,29] In the second case, the linear chirp is imposed by a phase modulation of the input pulse while maintaining a constant pulse duration.[30] In this paper, the linear chirp is added in the form of the second case. Therefore, the prechirped input pulse with a hyperbolic secant shape is as follows:
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The parameters of input pulse are chosen as follows: initial pulse width T0 = 50 fs, central wavelength λ0 = 804 nm, and peak power P0 = 15 kW. It is important to ensure that the time window is sufficiently large to avoid the cyclic wrapping of the temporal envelope with propagation. The longitudinal step size is also important, and must be sufficiently small to accurately model the nonlinear and dispersive interactions as the field propagates. Here, we choose 3000 as the longitudinal step number and 320T0 = 16 ps as the temporal window width. The number of discretization points is 212. Therefore, the temporal resolution is 16 ps/212 ≈ 3.9 fs.
The PCF with three ZDWs has a strong dispersion effect, and therefore multiple high-order dispersion needs to be considered.[32] The dispersion curve and group delay curve of the PCF considered in this study as a function of wavelength are plotted in Fig.
The output pulse shapes and corresponding temporal evolutions under the condition of different chirps in a 16 cm long PCF are plotted in Fig.
In the case of an ultrashort pulse, because SPM is accompanied by other nonlinear effects such as SRS and four-wave mixing (FWM), the spectrum can be extended to a very wide range so that the broadened spectrum can be regarded as SC. When the spectrum is broadened to the greatest degree by SPM, a series of fundamental solitons is ejected into R2 because of Raman effects. Then the associated DWs are radiated from these ejected fundamental solitons because of higher-order dispersion effects. After initial fission, each fundamental soliton experiences SSFS to a longer wavelength. Since the SSFS resulting from Raman effects can go against the soliton recoiling effect, the fundamental soliton in R2 can remain at its position while soliton coupling continuously takes place until the fundamental soliton is fully coupled into the adjacent channel to form a new soliton wave in R4. The formation of a new fundamental soliton is based on the energy transferred from R2 to R4 when meeting GVM and PM conditions, which presents a soliton propagation process known as the SST effect. For positive chirp, the fundamental soliton is ejected at the fastest rate and undergoes the strongest SSFS, which facilitates it going through R3. The above phenomena make the transferred soliton into R4 have the largest red-shift and highest intensity. Meanwhile, the transferred soliton can radiate more energy to the corresponding DWs when meeting the PM condition. Therefore, the input pulse with positive chirp will be the first to complete the dramatic broadening stage and to reach the saturation broadening stage by enhancing both the red-shift of the fundamental soliton and the blue-shift of DWs. However, it is worth noting that the output spectrum in R4 does not have the shape of a conventional fundamental soliton under the condition of negative chirp as shown in the upper panel of Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) Spectrograms with different initial chirps at the output of the PCF with three ZDWs: (a) C = −4, (b) C = 0, and (c) C = 4. |
In order to have a closer look at how to manipulate the SC based on the influence of initial chirp on the SST, the spectrogram traces at three different propagation distances are plotted in Fig.
When the propagation distance increases to 4 cm, the fission of the higher-order soliton takes place due to Raman effects, generating a series of fundamental solitons accompanied by B-DW radiation. However, only a fundamental soliton is ejected, resulting from the SRS effect, whose energy transfers from R2 to R4 under the effect of SST. With the increase in initial chirp, the SST effect occurs at a faster speed, resulting in the first-ejected fundamental soliton with a higher intensity and a larger red-shift. The positive chirp makes more energy transfer from the fundamental soliton in R4 to the B-DWs in R1 than zero chirp and negative chirp. As for negative chirp, the asymmetry of broadening is enhanced in both spectral and temporal domains.
When the propagation distance increases to a certain value, the second fundamental soliton is ejected into R2, whose intensity is lower than the first one. From Figs.
From the analysis above, one finds that the positive chirp can accelerate the emergence of the SST effect, which makes the SC have a broader spectral range by enhancing both the red-shift of the fundamental soliton and the blue-shift of DWs. Meanwhile, negative chirp can suppress the SST effect, which makes the SC have a smoother spectrum due to the spectral broadening of the first-ejected fundamental soliton when transmitting through R3.
In the process of pulse evolution, one needs to take into account the influence of not only initial chirp but also the chirp induced by both GVD and SPM on temporal and spectral broadening. When a femtosecond pulse is launched in the anomalous dispersion regime, the dispersion-induced chirp is negative while SPM-induced chirp is positive. In order to further present the initial chirp effect on pulse evolution, figure
In this paper, we show that one can manipulate the SC based on the influence of chirp on SST in the PCF with three ZDWs. In order to better analyze temporal and spectral evolution, we illustrate the output spectrograms with different initial chirps. With the increase in initial chirp, the input pulse completes the initial broadening stage at a faster speed, and hence a series of fundamental solitons is ejected earlier, which facilitates the emergence of the SST effect. The SST effect makes the energy of the fundamental soliton continuously transfer from one anomalous dispersion regime to another. In this case, positive chirp can enhance the SST effect to make the SC have a much wider spectral range while negative chirp can suppress the SST effect to obtain a much smoother SC spectrum. In brief, initial chirp has an important influence on the SST effect when the femtosecond pulse propagates in the PCF with three ZDWs, which provides a new possibility to obtain a much broader and smoother SC in the future.
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